PS3 Downgrade Service

PS3 Slim Downgrade Service (NOR) - $60
* Typically 1-3 hour service. Please see model information table below.
PS3 Fat Downgrade Service (NOR) - $60
* Typically 1-3 hour service. Please see model information table below.
PS3 Fat Downgrade Service (NAND) - $80
* Typically 1-3 days service. Please see model information table below.
Use the chart below to check PS3 is NOR or NAND type. PS3 units have a sticker on the back side with serial and model number. Model number starts with CECH.
Fat CECHAxx | YES | NAND |
Fat CECHBxx | YES | NAND |
Fat CECHExx | YES | NAND |
Fat CECHGxx | YES | NAND |
Fat CECHHxx | YES | NOR |
Fat CECHJxx | YES | NOR |
Fat CECHKxx | YES | NOR |
Fat CECHLxx | YES | NOR |
Fat CECHPxx | YES | NOR |
Slim CECH-20xxx | YES | NOR |
Slim CECH-21xxx | YES | NOR |
Slim CECH-25xxx | YES, MOST MODELS | NOR |
Slim CECH-30xxA | NO | NOR |
Slim CECH-40xxA | NO | NOR |
How To Install Any FW (OFW & CFW)
MinVer Check For Slim 25xxx Units
Please call for any inquiries.
Downgrade Information
We do all downgrades, not just the easy ones!
PS3 will be downgraded to official 3.55 version. And then upgraded to rebug cfw if desired.
NOR downgrade is roughly 3 hours service. NAND downgrade is atleast 1 day service. Additionally if the ps3 has bad blocks, they will require remapping which in turn requires more time.
All of our downgrades are done using Progskeet crystal 1.1 and by wiring directly to the chips or testpoints. We do not use clipping mechanisms which can compromise the process or cause problems later on with NAND NOR
chips. Bluray movies playback is not affected.
Please make backup of any data (save files, media etc) before bringing the unit for downgrade.