Modification services for Xbox 360
XBOX 360 RGH XELL (Xenon Linux) Install FAT 360 - $70
* Unit must have HDMI port. 2-3 hours turn-around time. Falcon and jasper boards only.
XBOX 360 RGH XELL (Xenon Linux) Install SLIM 360 - $90
* All slim units manufactured before august 2014 supported. 1-3 hours turn-around time.
XKEY xk3y Drive Emulator XBOX 360 - !OUT OF STOCK!
* For units made in Aug 2011 and earlier. Remote is now optional and not included. 1 hour service.
XKEY xk3y Drive Emulator For Slim XBOX 360 - !OUT OF STOCK!
* All slim units manufactured before august 2014 supported. 1-3 hours service.
XBOX 360 Lost CD Key Retrieval - $50
* For all xbox 360s manufactured before august 2014.
Fan & Enhanced Cooling Mod For FATs- $25
* Modification moves air more evenly, efficiently and faster.
Ring of Light LED MOD For Fat XBOX 360- $29.99
* Blue or Yellow or Orange Color
Ring of Light LED MOD For Slim XBOX 360- $39.99
* Blue or Yellow or Orange Color
Transparent Shell Case MOD for Slim XBOX 360 - $79.99
* Makes the xbox 360 slim transparent. Only for 360 S models.
Tutorials / Guides
JTAG / Reset
Glitch Hack Starter Guide
XKEY User Guide
Tutorial To Burn
Discs XGD3 Discs
Proper Way To
Burn XGD3 Discs
Mods Information
From November 2012, custom dvd firmware mods are no longer offered.
Installing custom firmware can potentially be considered
as breaking digital locks as per new copyright act. Although its very much debate-able, we have decided not to offer this
service. Only XKEY (which is dvd emulator) and RGH/JTAG (Xenon Linux Loader) are now offered.
Xkey allows to run your xbox 360 games from a USB hard drive. For more information on xk3y, please visit xk3y website.