This is an old archive of updates up to 2008 and possibly earlier. This page might refer to links which are no longer active. Text formatting might be also broken. Please do not report any errors on this page.
Regular hours will resume from 2nd January 2016
All services including drop off and pickup will be un-avaialble during these days. Regular hours will resume from August 4th 2015. Thank you!
Happy New Year!
Wishing everyone a wonderful and a great new year!
Now only $49.99 installed for iPad 2nd 3rd & 4th Gen. $74.99 for iPad mini and $84.99 for iPad Air!
JOGi MODS will be closed on Sunday May 18th 2014.
We apologize for the short notice and are sorry for any inconvenience.
PS3 COBRA ODE is now in full stock. This emulator works great with non-downgrade(able) units like some 2.5K models, all 3k & 4k Super Slim PS3 models.
Run game and movie ISO's from any PS3* without the need to restrict your console to running on a CFW. This brings freedom of choice for the SEN, original games and functionality of the Cobra ODE without hassle or complication.
A switch allows user to toggle between use of the original BD drive or the emulator.
Learn more here!.
Do no update 3DS firmware to latest 6.3 firmware. This firmware contains new security patches, which stops flash carts from booting.
Added latest system update, dash-launch and FSD to the downloads. [FOR RGH/JTAG users]
PS3 downgrade service is now on sale. Enjoy better prices during this sale event. NOR ps3 are $20 cheaper, and NAND ps3 are $25 cheaper to downgrade during this offer.
Please note that these prices are for limited time only and will expire on September 15th 2013.
With addition of CECHE01, we now downgrade all downgrade-able PS3s.
Currently Samsung Galaxy S2, S3, S4 and Note 2 are supported.
This decision comes due to changes in the new Copyright Act passed by the Harper Government.Modchips and Firmware hacks can potentially be viewed as circumventing digital locks, thus JOGi MODS is not offerring these modifications anymore.
From now on, we will primarily offer repair services for game consoles, apple iDevices, smartphones and PC/Laptops. Case modifications, cooling and other enhancement mods will still be offered.
The website will be updated to reflect the changes in our services as time permits.
For up to date hacking scene news we recommend homebrew-connection and xbox-scene.
Pre JTAG & RGH (Reset Glitch Hacked)
We have now re-stock of Pre RGH & JTAG bundles. All new sold consoles in stores and consoles which have been updated past dashboard version 2.0.14719 cannot be hacked using JTAG/Reset Glitch.
Check out these bundles including brand new slim
units with lower prices!!
XBOX 360 Dashboard Update
Post updated: 06 November
New XBOX 360 dashboard (16197 kernel) update has started rolling out. Please hold on to updating until live logs are available and the updated is deemed safe.
Update 06/11/2012 The update is safe to use online.
JOGi MODS is closed for renovations from August 22nd to
September 11 2012.
Waiting for jogimods ? Have a coupon for your patience !!
Coupon has now expired.
JOGi MODS will be closed for renovations from August 22nd to September 11 2012.
If you need to have a service done or wish to purchase something, please do so before August 22nd. Customers are advised to pick-up any outstanding items before August 22 or they will have to wait until September 12th.
Regular service will resume on September 12th 2012.
XBOX System update version 2.0.15572.0 (Summer 2012 Production Flash is now rolling out.
LT Firmware DVD Mods: Does not seem to be affected. UPDATE IS SAFE.
JTAG & Reset Glitch Mods : Current JTAG/RGH users, should ofcourse not take any updates. If you wish to do RGH in future, do not take this update!
This post will be updated as soon as we learn more or if there is something to be concerned about.
Update (June 20th 2012): Users will be prompted today for 15574 update instead of the earlier 15572. Again, XBOX Live functionality is under test. The update seems to be safe, but testing is not done 100% yet.
Update (June 23rd
2012): UPDATE IS SAFE FOR LT 3.0 (Liteon, Benq), LT 2.01 (Samsung) AND LT 2.0 (Hitachi) USERS.
XBOX System update version 2.0.14717 and 2.0.14719 is now rolling out.
LT firmware/dvd mods: DVD firmware functionality does not seem to be affected. Although it is advised to wait for a couple of days to see how it plays out.
JTAG/RGH : This dasboard update disables the ability to do Reset Glitch Hack (JTAG); It is advised not to take the update if you plan to do a RGH mod in the future. Slim systems are not affected. Current JTAG/RGH users, should ofcourse not take any updates.
LT+ 3.0 firmware for Slim XBOX 360s:
c4eva's iXtreme LT plus 3.0 for Slim XBOX 360s is now available to install for fresh mods or firmware updates. This firmware fixes issues with AP25 and XGD3 discs due to the latest dashboard update.
With this update, LT 3.0 is now available for Slim Liteon, Fat Liteon and Benq(s). Firmware for Fat Hitachi(s) is under development, and work on Liteon 1175 Slim is also begun.
All AP2.5/XGD3 backups would need to be reburnt with Topology Data. This can be done by taking the ISO and patching it with latest ABGX 1.0.6. Backups made to use with LT2.0 will not work with LT3.0 & vice versa.
Truncated burns are supported on all above drives, but not recommended. Disc unrecognized or black screen errors mean the disc security/topology data is not valid. LT 3.0 officially supports Verbatim DVD+R DL discs only.
LT+ 3.0 firmware for Fat XBOX 360s:
Post updated: 13 January
iXtreme LT plus 3.0 is now available to install for fresh mods or firmware updates. This firmware fixes issues with AP25 and XGD3 discs due to the latest dashboard update.
Please note that this update is for Fat XBOX 360s with Liteon and Benq. Click here to guess your console's DVD-ROM model. Firmware for Slim XBOX 360s and Hitachi drives is under work.
All AP2.5/XGD3 backups would need to be reburnt with Topology Data. Backups made to use with LT2.0 will not work with LT3.0 & vice versa.
Update: Customers can autopatch topology data and check security with newly released ABGX 1.0.6. Download at Note that this is meant for LT 3.0 only. As mentioned above, LT 2.0 users will unable to run discs made for LT 3.0
Truncated burns are supported on non hitachi drives, but not recommended. Disc unrecognized or black screen errors mean the disc security/topology data is not valid.
XBOX System update version 14699 is now rolling out. As of now, it is advised not to update. Currently it is known to affect booting of XGD3 games, just like the previous silent dae.bin update. XGD2 backups work ok.
LT 3.0 should be out soon. We will post it here as soon as it is available.
Hitachi LT 2.0 firmware & RGH Hack for XBOX 360
LT+ 2.0 firmware for hitachi drives has been released and is now available for fresh installs or updates.
We have been performing the reset glitch hack for some time now. This homebrew enabling hack is availalable for HDMI Fat and Slim consoles.JTAG / Reset Glitch hack allows custom freestyle dashboard, and other software, emulators etc. It supports loading 'content' from an external USB hard drive. Reset Glitch hack mod is not suited for online use.
Service is $60 for FAT consoles and $70 for XBOX 360 slims. Service includes installation of Glitch Hack, XEXMenu and Freestyle dashboard. Turn-around time for regular FAT consoles is 1 hour, Slims have 2 hour turn-around time. Slim units manufactured in or after August 2011 cannot be reset glitched at the moment. If you plan to get RGH in near future, make sure not to update the system dashboard above version 13604.
For a demonstration on what Reset Glitch Hack can do, please visit the following links
Youtube Demo #1 || Youtube Demo #2
|| Youtube
Demo #3
Silent security update on XBOX 360:
Dae.bin (file used to perform checks on disc media) has been changed. This means new AP2.5 security checks are introduced. All XGD3/AP25 games will fail the check.
It is strongly advised to use only originals on XBOX Live and avoid XGD3 or AP2.5 backups for now. This could potentially ban your console on XBOX Live.
This update is silently being applied in the background while console is on XBOX Live, and does not ask for user permission. Follow the following links to stay up to date.
c4evaspeaks || XBOX-Scene
*Update2*[QUOTE]The Fall 2011 preview dashboard version 2.0.14692.0 is now rolling out. If you are in the preview and accept the update, it will now actively use the additional DAE challenge table and AP25 backups that are patched with current AP25 replay data will fail the normal AP25 challenges outright!
Seems like microsoft is using every possibly way to stop units from running burnt copies of games. Do not use modified units online.
Update (Nov 19th 2011): New firmware LT+ 3.0 will be available soon to sort out the XGD3/AP25 mess. NO ETA. It is advised to wait for new firmware before coming in for mod/updates if you care about XBOX Live.
Update (Nov 20th 2011): Click here
for temporary workaround to fix AP25/XGD3 discs not booting after silent dae.bin
Thanks to our customer 'Scott' for bringing this information to our
Customers who are waiting for hitachi lt 2.0 firmware, have the option of replacing thier drives to Liteon/BenQ to be able to use XGD3 game backups.
We have refurbished DVD-ROMs available for $45 and brand new ones for $60. Price includes installation of LT+ 2.0 firmware. It is a good idea to change the drive to another brand because hitachi is ALWAYS the last drive to get firmware updates.
Certain PC burners (Liteon iHAS124B models and some variants) are capabale of fully burning XGD3 discs without the need for truncating at the end of the disc. This allows for 100% 1:1 copy of the original XGD3 disc such as Forza 4, Gears 3 etc.
This news is regarding burners used on PC to make XBOX 360 backups, and not for dvd drives inside the XBOX 360
It is strongly advised to use these burners to make games. These PC DVD burners need to be flashed with iXtreme Burner MAX which can be done using manufacturer's utilities. Here are current list of models :
These burners can be bought from computers stores such as Canada computers, NCIX, and
>> Team-Xecuter Liteon Burner MAX PC Drive tutorial <<
For more information please visit the following links:
How to crossflash || Burner
MAX firmware release info || Alternative Rebranded Drives || Flashing Utility
System update released October 11th 2011 does not affect the firmware mod. It is safe to install if you have the latest LT2.0/1.9 firmware.
However, as always it is strongly advised to wait couple of days to make certain it does not affect XBOX Live funtionality.
Update (Oct 24th 2011): It is advised not to use Forza 5 XGD3 backup as it does not compare to the original disc using current burning methods.
LT+ 2.0 firmware for XBOX 360 Slim:
iXtreme LT plus 2.0 (LT-MAX) is now available to install for fresh mods or firmware updates on XBOX 360 Slims also. This firmware is able to read newer large disc format games (XGD3) like Gears of War 3 etc.
With the slim firmware update, LT+ 2.0 now supports Liteon (slim & phat), Benq and Samsung Drives. Customers with hitachi drives will have to wait bit longer.
LT+ 2.0 firmware for XBOX 360:
iXtreme LT plus 2.0 (LT-MAX) is now available to install for fresh mods or firmware updates. This firmware is able to read newer large disc format games (XGD3) like Gears of War 3 etc.
Please note that this update is for Liteon, Benq and Samsung Drives only; Hitachi drives will follow later.
360 XGD3 Discs: do not currently work on the latest LT firmware.
Retail copies of the games can be used without issues on the latest firmware. LT 2.0 (No ETA) will be coming out to support such backups. Currently some of these games are - Gears of war 3, Driver SF, Warhammer.
XBOX 360 Slim hack & LT 1.91 firmware
New LT Plus firmware version 1.91 is now available for fresh installs or upgrades. This firmware supports executing AP 2.5 games which were recently disabled by dashboard update. It is available to install on all XBOX 360 systems - Including the Slim units.
On XBOX 360's 19 July 2011 Update:
Post updated: 01 August 2011
New dashboard released today for the XBOX 360, should be avoided until further notice. This update has been reported to affect some makes of DVD drives, while others are okay.
Update can be taken safely by units which have been updated to post 13xxxx dashboard and have had LT 1.9 installed. Please note that AP2.5 games (Assasin's creed brotherbood, Call of Duty Black OPS etc.) will not boot if you upgrade the dashboard to latest version.
Update #1: AP2.5 security has been updated, which means AP2.5 games will not boot and end up showing black screen. Everything else will work fine. AP2.5 games would require new patches, and possibly a new firmware.
Update #2: Users currently on the latest update released june 14th 2011 (LT+ 1.9) can take the update without issues.
Update #3: Users who are below 13146 dashboard version will have thier drives flashed to stock by updating this. They will need thier drives reflashed. Also, users running a spoofed drive (different model than from factory), could get some error code while performing this update. Again, these users need a firmware upgrade.
Update #4: Customers with slim xbox 360s, should not update. Especially if thier units are modified. There is a russian hacker working on a solution for this. So stay tuned. This also means all XBOX 360 slim should be modifiable soon.
Update #5: For customers wishing to mod or do firmware upgrade, it is strongly recommened to wait for the new firmware LT 1.91 to come out. There are also new devices which emulate the DVD drive coming out soon, which will allow to hookup a hard drive with ISO files to be used directly with the console. So stay tuned, and check back for updates.
update DSi to firmware 1.4.3: R4i and AK2i chips will not work.
LT+ 1.9 firmware for XBOX 360:
New LT Plus firmware version 1.9 is now available for fresh installs or upgrades. Please note that his firmware version is currently available for Benq, Samsung and Liteon DVD drives. Firmware for XBOX 360 slim models will be available later.
Also note, if you have not updated your console to the latest dashboard, then bring it in as is.
update DSi to firmware 1.4.2: R4i and AK2i chips will not work.
On XBOX 360's 19 May 2011 Update:
New upcoming XBOX 360 system update scheduled for May 19 2011 should be avoided until further notice. Leaked release of this update shows that it unmods XBOX 360 consoles. The process flashes offcial factory firmware onto the DVD drive and removes hacked firmware.
In simple terms, if you perform this update then xbox will no longer be able to read burnt backup discs, unless it is re-flashed with iXtreme LT+.
It is strongly advised not to update to the latest system update when it is released on may 19th 2011. Customers who accidentally or willingly update will need to get a firmware upgrade done again, but we recommened waiting for new firmware (LT 2.0) to become avaiable before reflash.
Update #2 (13th June 2011): Firmware update v1.9 for Benq, Samsung and Liteon (non slim) drives coming VERY VERY soon. Other drives like the Slim liteon 9504 will follow later.
Update #1 (20th May 2011): The update from microsoft is out. As expected, it disables the mod partially and fully on some consoles. A firmware re-flash (or upgrade if modded by jogimods), can fix this. But the current LT+ firmware cannot support the new AP2.5 games (like Mordern Warfare 2, Black OPS, and other recent games). It is strongly recommended to wait for the new firmware to come out for upgrades and mods alike. There is no ETA on new firmware or AP patches.
Please check back for update, we will update this post as more information becomes available.
XBOX 360 Slim Mod is now available.
Please note there are 3 different DVD drives in the Slim - The liteon 0225, liteon 9504 and Hitachi 0500. Currently only one of them is modifiable, which is Liteon 9504.
To check which version of DVD drive you have, find out the lot # and serial # from the back of your unit. Refer to the picture and check the tables below(credit:
ubergeek @ TX).
Serial #: | Expected DVD Drive |
2 | 99% chance Liteon 9504 |
3 | 99% chance Liteon 0255 |
4 or 0 | 99% chance Hitachi 0500 |
LOT #: | Expected DVD Drive |
11XXX | 99% chance Liteon 0225 |
104XX | 75% chance Liteon 0255 |
103XX | 75% chance 9504 |
102XX | 99% chance 9504 |
101XX | 99% chance 9504 |
104X | 99% chance 9504 |
Acekard for Nintendo 3DS: version is now available. It allows DS game backups to be run on the 3DS console.
Note: 3DS backups are not supported.
Price Reduction: We have now reduced prices for XBOX 360, DS and iPhone/iPod repairs while keeping the same quality service and warranties. Enjoy cheers!.
All PSPs with software version 6.35 or lower can now be hacked.
On XBOX 360's 19 January 2011 Update:
All modified units are strongly advised NOT to update yet. This update also disables booting of certain games like Call of Duty Black Ops, Mordern Warfare 2, Halo Reach and possibly others too. If this update can disable
booting of game discs, it can also very well flag the unit for ban.
Update #1:
This update only affects AP2.5 games, and drives without AP2.5 are not affected (Samsung, and early Hitachi drives). Other drives with latest LT+ firmware would most likely not be flagged for ban.
If you have AP2.5 drive (Liteon, BenQ, Hitachi v78 or v79) without LT+ firmware (latest update for firmware), it has high chance of being banned. AP2.5 has also possibly been activated for some older games.
Developers are hard @ work to get this working, and mentioned that new firmware will not be required. The games will need to be re-patched. Please wait PATIENTLY, as there is no ETA when these patches will become available.
Update #2:
Patches have been released, Use latest ABGX v 1.0.5 from here to patch the games.
Our Service Hours schedule has been changed for the New Year. Please check our service hours for detailed information.
Hitachi LT+ firmware is now available for installs and upgrades.
R4i flash card is now available again for DS, DS Lite, DSi and DSi XL. It supports firmware DSi's new firmware 1.4.1.
LT+ 1.1 firmware is now available for Lite-on and Benq. This release is not critical for updates.
What's new/fixed:
- xbox 1 backup support (iXtreme compatible, DVD9 only)
- improved pfi support (Improves disc readability)
AT64S USB for PS3 is now also available. It is fully compatible with PSGroove.
Downgrading PS3 is now possible from version 3.50 and 3.42. This can be accomplished using PS3Key or AT64S USB available on the ps3 page.
Downgrade from 3.55 is currently not possible, it is advised not to upgrade to 3.55 version.
ABGX360 for XBOX 360 has been updated to a newer version. It is strongly recommended to upgrade to latest version to patch the newer AP2.5 games. Download it
now from the official website..
LT+ (LTPlus)
Firmware for Liteon and Benq (XBOX 360) has been released and is available for upgrades.
Remember although new firmware is currently safe for online, it does not guarantee 100% protection on XBOX Live. As always, use at your own risk.
Use latest ABGX360
from here and patch untouched backups to avoid black screen issues when
loading AP25 games.
Please Note:
Explanation for new XBOX 360 security and need for new firmware.
Many customers call us to find out more information on why newer games and new dashboard. This arctile should answer all your questions and give a better understanding on the way XBOX 360 disc security works and why we need to wait for new firmware.
Please click here and follow this excellent post by 'Animorphed' for answers to above and more.
XBOX 360
Dashboard Update Nov 1st
New dashboard update, scheduled to be released 1st November 2010, has been confirmed by c4eva to have new security checks built in. All modified consoles should stay away from the update and XBOX Live, and also from newer games like Fable 3 or any other games with Security Sector v3 to avoid any possible bans.
It is rumoured (not confirmed yet) that Samsung & *some* Hitachi drives will not be effected by this but all LiteOn and BenQ drives will be effected. Users can guess thier drives models here. New firmware LT+ has been announced for required drives and XBOX 360 Slim. No ETA when it will be released.
Please note:
(a) Do not ask which games come with security sector v3, as we simply do not know. Users can possibly check the security sector version with tool like ABGX360.
(b) Please do not call regarding this, as any updates to the matter will be posted on the website in minutes..
JTAG units, ofcourse, should not update at all. They can however, use newer backups by removing the '$SystemUpdate' folder from the extracted game.
Update November 16th 2010: Many users and online sources reported that upgrading to new dashboard does not pose any danger. While we will suggest not to update, but if you want to take the chance.. go ahead and update. BUT remember do not run newer games with AntiPiracy 2.5 security on the new dashboard. AP2.5 security is also may exist on older games but is inactive, but potentially micros0ft can change that with title updates.
As previously mentioned, please use ABGX360 to check for AP2.5. Here is a screenshot on how to spot AntiPiracy2.5, it can be seen as the first text in yellow.
Update November 16th 2010: New firmware available. LT+ has been released for Benq, Liteon 7, 8 and 9 series of drives. See latest post at the top of this page
AVRKey (PS3Key) sports new lower price & is available for pickup @
AVRKey (PS3Key Hardware) has arrived:
AVRKey USB is now in stock. It is also supports PSGroove. Check ps3 section for more info.
Quantities are very limited, please call before pickup to confirm availability.
JOGi MODS will be stocking Maximus AVR USB Board. This is fully compatible with PS3 Groove. Please check PS3 page for details.
Customers wishing to modchip thier PS3, should NOT update to 3.42 firmware.
Stay tuned for soon to be released PS3 Modchip. It allows to dump Bluray Games to internal/external usb hard drive. These installed games can then be played without the need of original bluray disc. This page will be updated
when new info is available.
Estimated time of arrival is end September.
New Slim 360s are NOT MODDABLE YET!.
Please check back often, as we will update these pages when this changes. It is safe to assume it will be a little while before that happens, as the new 360 sports a new Liteon Drive which is both new hardware and software revision. These New Liteon(s) will also need thier own revision of hacked firmware. It is suspected that microsoft will start using the same Liteon hardware & software in regular Arcade Models.
C4eva's iXtreme LT version 1.1 is now avaiable for Installs. This firmware enhances media compatibility and also fixes a security bug. This update is a must for customers with BenQ DVD Drives as it fixes a security
bug !
We have available Pre-modded arcade Units. These units are 100% brand new and pre-modded with iXtreme LT firmware. The units come sealed in full package including all standard arcade accessories. $210 will get you a brand
new system with mod, Same unit from a store with the mod comes to roughly $220.
iXtreme LT firmware has now been released for Benq DVD Drives. This firmware mimics the original firmware as close as possible, and thus has far less chance of being detectable online. The firmware is also 'wave' free, which
means it should boot current and future waves.
The firmware is only available for BENQ and Lite-On Drives; Samsung & Hitachi Drives will get updated firmwares later. Please click here to guess your DVD Drive.
Warning! If your console has already been flagged in the past for banning, then new firmware will not help. Use at your own risk.
Please note XBOX Live is not guaranteed and that there is always a chance that the console
can get banned on XBOX Live. Use at your own risk.
Pre-JTAG(ed) & Modded XBOX(es):
JTAG(ed) & Modded 360s are available for sale. These have latest freeboot (9199) Installed, and modded using latest iXtreme Firmware. Quantity is very limited as these systems are harder and harder to find these days.
XBOX 360 iXtreme LT For Lite-On Drives:
The Much anticipated iXtreme LT firmware has been released for Lite-On Drives. This firmware mimics the original firmware as close as possible, and thus has far less chance of being detectable online. The firmware is also
'wave' free, which means it should boot current and future waves.
This release is only for Lite-On DVD Drives. Benq, Samsung & Hitachi Drives will get updated firmwares later. Please click here to guess your DVD Drive.
Warning! If your console has already been flagged in the past for banning, then new firmware will not help. Use at your own risk.
Please note XBOX Live is not guaranteed and that there is always a chance that the console can get banned on XBOX Live. Use at your own risk.
JOGi MODS is again first in GTA (or even CANADA) to offer new service** XBOX 360 homebrew enabling JTAG Hack. (For all NAND size - 16mb to 512mb)
This will allow to run homebrew apps on XBOX 360 like emulators, media players, custom software, USB ISO / Game Loaders etc.
For JTAG Hack to work the xbox 360 dashboard version should be 7371 or lower. Our service is for any xbox type (Old Xenon to new Jaspers).
New version of iXtreme firmware has been released for Lite-On drives. This firmware supports new 'wave 4' and 'wave 5' games.
Also released is Non-Stealth firmware for Lite-On and Samsung drives. This non stealth will be able to run any wave games (just like hitachi drives).
The new firmwares do not bring any security features and are still not safe on XBOX Live!
The Wiikey Team have released an update for their Wiikey 2 modchip. This allows you to play the new Super Mario Bros Game. Please download the USA version of 1.3 update from thier website and burn the ISO file from the archive to a blank DVD-R disc. Put this disc in Wiikey 2 enabled Wii to update it using the Disc Channel.
The Wasabi Team have released an update for their Wasabi DX modchip. This allows you to play the new Super Mario Bros Game. Please download the 'Wasabi DX Upgrade Disc v3.0 BETA' from thier website and burn the ISO file from the archive to a blank DVD-R disc. Put this disc in Wasabi DX enabled Wii to update it using the Disc Channel.
New firmware for xbox 360 drives is under development by c4eva. I supposedly will have better luck on XBOX Live as it does minimal patching. This firmware will stay as close to the original firmware as possible & will be safer on XBOX Live. There is no ETA when this firmware will be available. Please check back for updates.
It is recommened to stay offline until new firmware becomes available.
There is new ban wave from microsoft, it is strongly advised to stay offline
until something concrete is known. Reports from few people who used pre-releases (Forza 3 and Tekken 6 specifically) are reporting to be unable to connect to XBOX Live.
As we always Warn: DO NOT USE PRE-RELEASES or Invalid Stealth Discs. It does not matter if you wait till the release date or unplug your internet cable, If a disc has invalid security then you are risking yourself on XBOX Live.
Always wait till your discs check out with ABGX 360 (verification successful !) before using them, that alteast lowers the chance of being banned.
Please do not call, this post will be updated if something more is known. There is no way known yet to UNBAN a console.
iXtreme v1.61 for Samsung /
New firmware (ixtreme 1.61) upgrade is available for Samsung & BenQ DVD Drives. This firmware supports new 'wave 4' games.
Updated firmware for Lite-ON DVD Drives is under development and will be released soon. Hitachi drives with 1.51 do not need any update. Please check back for updates.New XBOX 360 game discs might come with new update embedded in video partition ( released in August) along with the NXE dashboard. This changes the CRC of video partition, and thus iXtreme 1.6 will not allow to boot these discs. Hopefully a new firmware will be released to address this.
Meanwhile playing 'wave 4' games using activate.iso is possible, but not advised.
We have installed the update released today on multiple units and conluded that does not effect the mod or XBOX Live functionality. Feel free to update, but as always it is advised to wait a few days to be more sure that it does not effect anything.
The update for XBOX Live released today, 11th August, does not effect the mod. We have tested the new update on 5 units with different DVD drives/firmware. Feel free to update, but as always it is advised to wait a few days to be more sure that it does not effect anything.
This particular update writes vital booting code, so DO NOT turn-off the unit or disconnect from internet while it is updating.
Warning: DSi Firmware 1.4 renders flashcarts (AK2i) useless and *might* also cause other issues.
UPDATE (01/09/09): If you have already purchased a AK2i from us, then follow
these steps here to update card FIRST before updating your DSi to 1.4 firmware.
If you are planning to purchase one, then rest assured as we update all units before they get in your hands.
The new dashboard update released (dated 20th November) for XBOX 360 is safe.